I arrived to Portland at 6 p.m., I didn’t find any cheap accommodation, I didn’t have a clear idea about what to do, I was melancholy.
I checked how to go straight to my next destination, it was expensive, more than I expected.
So I decided to walk somewhere, as usual as when I need an inspiration; I also though I could find another bus company which to travel by.
It was softly raining, I enjoyed that, I felt freedom.
I didn’t find any bar where I could ask informations, just few people along the street that corrected my way sometimes.
After about an hour I met a man, he asked me where I was going, surprised.
I explained him I was searching a bus company, so he told me he could guide me.
We started to walk together, I told him about my troubles and that I was not willing to stay in a hostel; he told me immediately I could stay at his home for a couple of nights.
Wonderful, I found a new good friend!
On the way to home Stephen made me touch anything interesting we found, he described me what I couldn’t touch and he helped me to take some nice pictures; I think he has a great art sensibility.
We spent a exciting night together, Portland is the capital city of strip clubs … some gorgeous girls drove me crazy, it’s something’ I’ll never try anymore, it was too difficult to handle!
The day after we went to a coffee shop, he needed to study about his job but he anyway proposed to take me anywhere I needed by car, lovely; I decided to go to the bus station by myself, he already did so many things for me.
I was walking relaxed and carefree… several nice people gave me little corrections and I finally met Jim, very friendly, he tried to find some travel schedules online but at the end the best solution was to go straight to the station.
I found an optimal solution, cheaper than what I found the day before, by train and by bus.
I was satisfied, I thanked Jim and I went back to Stephen.
I went out alone at night, my friend was busy working; I didn’t find many people interested to talk with me, only a creative guy, John, that took me back to home at the end of the night.
Not bad anyway, I already met so many amazing people!
Thank you Jim and happy birthday, once again.
Stephen, I cannot find the words to tell you how I appreciated what you did for me, the way you did.
I told you, I think there are different ways to be courageous, to be a hero… well, you have been my hero in Portland!

Alessandro, you made my day with your visit to Portland. I will follow your blog until the end. I know people in Santiago, Chile; Santa Cruz, Bolivia; and Urbelandia, Brazil; and a few other places in South America. Also know someone in Panama City very well. Let me know if you get near these places. Until we meet again, Good Luck.
Jim Gambrell
Portland, Oregon
Hello Jim, you already helped me in Portland and you are given me even more helps, you are great!
Thank you so much, I’ll let you know!