Rising from the end of the world

It’s time to rise!
I reached a very low place, even southern than Punta Arenas and the funniest thing is that I learnt Tierra del Fuego is an island just when my bus caught a boat to cross the Strait of Magellano; I went here just because, in Punta Arenas, somebody told me I could try to get my dream from Ushuaia.
During the last hours, on the minibus, I had a conversation with a young traveler, Jelly, he was friendly and helpful and once arrived, at night, I went with him at the hostel he had already booked; that place was full, so I followed other guys to another place and I finally found a bed.
In the next days I met two couple of mother and daughter: Luisa with Celeste and Paulita with Marla; they live in the south of Argentina, not so far from Tierra del Fuego, they were having a short holiday and we shared the room.
They found my story amazing, we found a good feeling and those nice women proposed me to visit some natural places all together, unfortunately I couldn’t walk easily, my foot was injured… I recently fought against a polar bear! He usually lives in the Arctic Pole but I found the only one was living in the south, so I tried to convince him to go back home!
I went out just to search about my dream, walking very slowly; the first person I met was a military and he told me he had already done four times my wish… the faith was talking to me!
We went together to knock several doors, but every-time the same negative result.
He told me the way I was following was really hard, anyway he suggested me to try the last biggest door more to the north, where the air are good.
It was a pleasure to meet you Miguel, greetings to your wife Mirta.
Then I decided to follow that suggestion and to follow the flow as well: Luisa invited me to stay at her home in Rio Gallegos, I had to cross that city to move to the north and I luckily found a very cheap flight with a small but awesome plane.
It remained a short time to enjoy Ushuaia, my lovely girls left me to go back home… and I found two more lovely girls, two amazing Italians!
We spent a couple of nights together, I really needed to speak Italian, I’m forgetting it!
Thank you Silvia and Elena, I really loved to stay with you!
It’s not finished: it’s definitely true that I don’t like to get touristic tours, I prefer to take what comes to me and on the day before to leave I did a not touristic tour with Silvina, a kind girl I met in the hostel.
We went to visit Malvina’s square, we found the ship ” Justicia ” and she explained me the stories about that place; thank you so much, who knows, perhaps we’ll meet again soon 🙂
After 5 days I flew to Rio Gallegos, Luisa came with Celeste to pick me up at the airport.
I just had relaxing time, my two princesses treated me as a son and a brother, they made me feel at home.
Somebody told me Penguins are beautiful animals, so I went to watch them with the ladies and Waldir, Celestes’s father, a real gentleman.
In Cabo Virgines we found Penguins of Magellano, so cute!
They were lovely, so shy, when they were crossing our walking direction they stopped, to know what was going on…
We also went to visit the small museum and Waldir told me there were some virgins on the rocks, I tried to watch them!

I wanted to stay there longer, but time is flowing away.
Thanks to Paulita to made me try ” mate “, a typical Argentinian drink, thanks to Waldir to dedicated me your free time driving a horrible street, thanks to Luisa, an incredible woman, I couldn’t find a better host!
And thanks to Celeste, you made me remind how beautiful is your age.
I will miss all of you.

2 commenti

  1. Hola amigo. Gracias por dejarme ser parte de tu aventura. Fue un honor ser tu anfitriona. No olvidaré nunca tu optimismo y buen humor. Muchos exitos. Siempre estarás en nuestro corazón.

  2. It has been 6 months since I met you in Portland, Or and I eagerly await more of your adventures. I am studying Arabic and plan to go to Egypt and Tunisia in March. Keep up the blog as it is fun for me.

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