Between Brazil and Venezuela

I was on the way to my last Brazilian step, during the travel my seat mate started a conversation with me, once arrived in Boa Vista I already had an accommodation and a new friend.

I spent two days there, with Matogrosso and his soon Italo, they were so nice with me and I also found my lovely avocado… delicious!

I took a car in the morning and I reached the border with Venezuela, some people there helped me to catch another shared car, so I met the driver Julio and a guy from Santa Elena, Marcos.

I immediately feel that I could trust them, I was right; Marcos left the car on the way but he gave me his contact, so I reached the terminal with Julio, that assisted me to change the Reais left, he found a good hostel and then he accompanied me to a restaurant.

I had my lunch and I met Ananda, a young waiter that was interested about me, she asked me so many questions about what I was doing there and about my travel; when I finished there she helped me to go back to my hostel.

In few hours I already met good people, anyway I was afraid because I was finishing the money and it was not easy to find the way to get a good change… but I always should remember that this journey is giving me everything I need.

When I woke up the second day I remembered about Marcos, about his words:

” Please, contact me for everything you need… ”

And it worked! He gave me the solution about my financial problems!

Thank you so much my friend, I really appreciated it!

So I was able to clear my count at the hostel and buy the ticket to go on with my path.

I spent the last hours visiting the center with Ananda and I finally went to the bus terminal with Julio, helpful, as usual.

Very good beginning in this country, I’m sure I’ll find even better things!


1 commento

  1. Tienes razon,simpre se consiguen personas buenas!


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