A small Tiahuanaco in La Paz

I don’t have many things to tell about Copacabana: a small town with many tourists, mostly to visit the Titicaca lake and the Island of the Sun; I didn’t do that, I didn’t feel good vibrations, many locals used to receive tourist and to charge prices.
I can anyway tell you about Carlos, a good boy, the son of the owner of the hostel where I spent the night; he accompanied me to have a lunch, to take some pictures and he was not contaminated from the world of the tourism.
Before to leave I found musicians, I always like the art from the street.
In La Paz my first good meeting was named Joe, with his wife Jennie and kids; we walked to a good hostel together; the owner Miguel seemed very friendly from the beginning, I loved the atmosphere.
After that I putter my stuff in the room I went to drink a tea and the sister of Miguel explained me many things that were in the room: it was a small museum about Tiahuanaco, an ancient culture from there.
Miguel arrived as well and continued to show me other rooms full of interesting things, he described me everything with a great passion, I felt his love for Tiahuanaco.
I was already happy about La Paz and I went out charged, I searched food and also that time I was lucky, meeting a good man with the daughter.
Finished my dinner I was still excited and I wanted to meet more amazing people, I started to walk around the city, searching for a good situation.
I have to say that people there, as in many places in south America, are not very good to explain directions, so I walked about a hour before to find a bar; I anyway found the good one, because just arrived a guy came to me, he saw me travelling to Copacabana and he invited me to join him and other friends.
I spent a nice night with George, Mia, Enza and others, specially Jorge, a touristic guide, he escorted me back to the hostel with his girlfriend Carol at the end of the night.
The day after I went to a city above La Paz: El Alto, to buy some warm clothes because it was very cold.
I met a guy extremely helpful on the street, he accompanied me all the afternoon but he was very bad with directions, pushing and pulling me all the time and I felt so bad, so ungrateful because while the guy was helping me I was thinking to push him down to the mountain!
At the end he brought me back to my hostel, making me hit a lot of obstacles, he was anyway very nice and kind; back to my room I thought its a long time I’m traveling, it can be normal to be a bit mad sometimes.
I went out for dinner and I met Jorge on the street, so we spent a quiet and relaxing night together.
On Sunday night I went to the Student’s Square, to have good time; I found it, I went to a pub and the barman was amazing, funny and friendly, he told me about a beautiful and warm city not far from there…


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