The lady of the treasure

Dedicated to my first skydiving mate.

A friend gave me the contact of Cristina, she lives in Cuzco.
She hosted me for some days, I met her friends, I had a very good time!
We went to the thermal swimming pool of Lares with Maria, David and Alba, amazing place; on the way back we stopped in Calca, where we found a original celebration.
One night some Italian friends invited us for dinner, after we went to listen some local music, really nice.
I was waiting Cristina in Armes Square, the television came to ask some questions about a marathon to the persons sitted close to me on a bench, when they finished I proposed them my story, but they though it was not interesting; the woman instead was really interested and asked me a lot of questions, she blessed me and she gave me the support I needed, thank you Rocío.
I appreciated the kindness of Juan, he told me ” my home is your home “, I enjoyed the music of Felipe, I met friendly people I’ll probably meet in some next countries.
Everything depended from Cristina, the lady of the treasure… I’ll not tell you the original meaning of this nickname, I tell you that finding her I found a really precious person.


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