Interview in Aracaju

So many things in a very short time here.
Just arrived to the bus terminal I met Lorena, she decided to help me to find a place for the night, then we went to her house and from there she drove her car to a hostel, I took a video about that.
The first night I met Juliana while I was searching for a dinner, I spent good time with her and I had a delicious coconut water!
During the next days I went out with Marcello and Carlos, we tried dry bananas and we had a nice dinner together, I enjoyed talking with them.
I already had something good to tell, so on the third day I was leaving Aracaju; I met Rogerio at the hostel, the owner, he proposed me to bring me to the bus station by car; on the way we had a short conversation, I explained what I was doing there, something about my travel… Rogerio is also a teacher at the Federal University of Sergipe, he asked me to stay there longer, and to get a speech with his students.
I can do this, I love telling about my journey to the people, to spread good messages is right my purpose!
So I did two speeches, two interviews, I met even more interesting people… the energies were vibrating so well!
And on the last days I found beautiful hair, no words to describe it!
Edney and Meeyri, I spent such a good time with booth of you, crazy nights and the magic of the sunrise on the beach… thank you!
Thanks to Rogerio and Paola, with their little Carolina, thanks to Nicholas and all the rest of the guys at the hostel, thanks to Tainá and Aline for your present… thanks to all the people that permitted me to go on, once again, smiling.
I wish to meet all of you again, somewhere in the life.



4 commenti

  1. Muito legal, Alessandro!
    Boa sorte na aventura e volte mais vezes! ^^

    1. Muito obrigado amigo!

  2. Have great times in Brazil my friend! Good vibes and enjoy the trip.

    1. Not getting a good time in Brazil it’s hard, my friend 🙂

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