A step in Brisbane


Life is strange.
I struggled about two weeks to apply my Australian visa, without success, so I decided to skip Australia and to fly directly to New Zeland.
Hut when I went to the airport, in Bali, the woman at the desk told me I still needed australian visa, because I needed to change plane in Brisbane and I would have waited fifteen hours there, more than eight, the maximum time allowed to stay in an airport without visa.
I couldn’t believe it, Australian bureaucracy was persecuting me!
We tried to find a solution, maybe changing flight, but I would have paid for that.
So Sury ( it’s not the real name, I cannot remember it! ), told me she could try to apply a visa online, in about fifteen minutes.
I her no hope about that, considering how long I already tried that.
After fifteen minutes she told me that my electronic Australian visa was done, for one year.
I thanked a lot that magic woman and I realized that after New Zeland I could cross Australia as well.
I also needed to buy a return ticket from New Zeland, because it was the only way to be allowed to stay there without visa; I decided to do that in Brisbane.
Then I flew to there.
During the flight I have got problems with my left ear, probably because I had a bit of cold.
I told that to the Stuart… Big mistake!!!
In Brisbane, at the airport, the assistance staff kindly tried to take care of me but to call a doctor I had to pay.
I absolutely didn’t want to see a doctor that probably would have forbidden me to fly.
I spent all the night at the airport and when the morning came I decided to go to a chemistry, where I could find also a doctor, maybe.
I found a very friendly woman, Marijke, that helped me to buy a SIM card, she accompanied me to a chemistry where I bought some medicines, she assisted me to buy some food as well and we finally came back to the airport.
I started to feel better so I bought my return ticket.
But when I went to the desk to find out how to get my flight they still asked me to see a doctor, otherwise I wasn’t allowed to fly.
I did all my best to deter them that I felt good, also supported by Harry, a kind member of the staff.
I did it!

4 commenti

  1. I am glad everything eventually worked out well. You journey is very inspirational and I wish you good luck! I will be following your blog! Good Luck 🙂 Harry from Brisbane Airport.

    1. Thank you for your help, I don’t like doctors anymore!

      1. You are more than welcome! I hope you are enjoying New Zealand. I will be looking out for book when you finish your travels! Best Wishes


  2. It was very much my pleasure to be able to assist you. Am glad you made it on the plane in the end. Have a great time in NZ. Hang in there Ale and go for it!! Hope to meet you again one day!

Rispondi a Harry from Brisbane AirportAnnulla risposta

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