Welcome in Wien

In the same day I crossed three different countries: I left Vilnius in the early morning, flying to Kiev and I spent all the afternoon there, a great afternoon, then I took another plane to Vienna, the last destination of that trip. I reached the capital city of Austria in the evening, a guy of the airlines came to escort me through the airport, he was trying to do his best to help me but at the end we didn’t succeed to catch the train to the city center, he was too strict with the rules, I was already sick of that kind of situations, too many rules can makes you lose the contact with the reality… and can makes you lose train!!!

So I decided that it was better for me to continue by myself, I thanked the assistent and I went to search another way to leave the airport; I found a bus directed somewhere, somebody on the bus asked me where I was heading to, I explained that I was needed to find a cheap place for the night, so they told me to get off at a certain bus stop.

A few people left the bus with me, I walked following the flow and I stopped at the first corner, waiting few seconds, breathing and listening… and I heard something amazing:

“ Welcome to Vienna! “

I turned my head to where the voice came and I smiled, I said “ thank you “, the guy asked me what I could do to help me and I replayed that I just needed somebody like him, some good person that could give me some tips about the city.

After explaining well the situation he searched with his smartphone some accommodations, during that time another man joined us… I had two new friends!

The first one found a good place where I could stay, the second one proposed me to accompany me with the bus, I was encouraged about that situation, so we caught the right vehicle to reach the hostel.

The problem is that after few minutes the old man started talking with some girls, he forgot about me and he left the bus without giving me instructions to find my place.

I was a bit confused and I needed to restart every thing, so I left the bus somewhere and I started to walk along the street.

Not so many people around that area, I thought that the situations can change so quickly!

I was standing in the middle of the pavement and when I heard a group of people coming I asked them informations about that area; they were sorry but they were not from Austria, they were Brazilians… and I immediately smiled to them, starting to talk Portuguese, they smiled as well and they tried to find a solution for me.

At that moment another person joined us, a local girl, Isabella, the Brazilian guys involved her for the research, she seemed friendly and helpful, indeed she said that she could lead me to the hostel that the guys found for me.

Isabella was really lovely, the only regret that I have it’s that I didin’t find other opportunities to meet her again, she is a very nice person, I hope to see her again, maybe in Tibet 🙂

And what about Julia, Felipe, Luciana and Isadora?

Well, we made an appointment for the day after, we found some problems but we finally met and we spent a funny afternoon together, visiting the Opera House and drinking some beers; guys, I really enjoyed the time with you, since I met you I felt a lot of “ saudade “ 🙂

Opsss! I was forgetting to tell something incredible: when I arrived to the hostel, the first night, a receptionist asked me if I was in Budapest, about two years ago, she remembered me, she was the one that accompanied me from the hostel to a restaurant.

I couldn’t believe it, Joka! When she told me her name I remember it clearly!

Unfortunately I didn’t have the opportunity to talk with her longer, yes, because on the second morning I found somebody that could lead me to the next destination…

2 commenti

  1. Hey ale!! So glad to know that u had a good time with us! We sure fell the same! It was wonderfull to meet u and be a part of your journey!
    What you have done, around the globe, is just amazing!! i wish i can have that courage to pack my bags and go travel around the world like you someday!! hope to see you again!

    1. Olá linda! Thank you so much for the energies of all of you, Brazil and Brazilians are really special for me, so we will meet again for sure! Saudade

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